Why are Pre-Purchase Pest Inspections Important when
buying a Property?

By obtaining a Pre-Purchase Pest Inspection report by a qualified, Insured and licenced Pest Inspector it will contain information on whether there is evidence of any Timber Pest Activity as well as any current signs of Termite workings. The Pest Inspector will thoroughly examine and report on all timber and other accessible materials such as structual timber frames, joists, rafters, bearers and joinery. Our inspectors will examine all internal and external areas to a building. The inspectors also take into account surface work to outdoor landscape timbers, trees, stumps and foundation soils which will be shown within the report that you recieve.
When contracting a Pest Inspection Company it is importnant not to base your decision purely on Price/Cost as you may find that the company or individual may not be properly insured, licenced or qualified to carry out the inspection or they may just cut corners. Always go with a reputable company that you can trust and has good experience within the Pest industry.

WHY WAIT?............. For a FREE QUOTE CALL US NOW on (02) 9449 2948 or email us.
Areas We Service
SPS Pest & Handyman Services is located in Bayview and is ideally located to service clients in the north shore, northern beaches and north western suburbs of Sydney.